Minggu, 20 April 2014

PDF⋙ Washi Tape Cards (Twenty to Make) by Sara Naumann

Washi Tape Cards (Twenty to Make) by Sara Naumann

Washi Tape Cards (Twenty to Make)

Washi Tape Cards (Twenty to Make) by Sara Naumann PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Homemade cards traditionally involve sticking all sorts of shop-bought embellishments on to card. This book builds on this tradition, but takes it in new and exciting directions by using all the latest techniques and products. Sara's expertise and background knowledge, coupled with her easy and accessible style, make this book a wonderful introduction to modern mixed-media techniques and products for papercrafters and card-makers of all abilities. The book will contain 20 projects — all greetings cards, using a variety of techniques, such as stamping, spray-painting and layering, and widely available materials such as stamps, colour sprays and paints. Sara's passion is for making mixed-media techniques accessible to papercrafters of all abilities, so all the designs will be relatively simple, but very stylish.

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