La Cocina Mexicana: Many Cultures, One Cuisine by Marilyn Tausend, Ricardo Muñoz Zurita
La Cocina Mexicana: Many Cultures, One Cuisine by Marilyn Tausend, Ricardo Muñoz Zurita PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Cooks from a variety of cultures share recipes and stories that provide a glimpse into the preparation of both daily and festive foods. In a Maya village in Yucatán, cochinita de pibil is made with the native peccary instead of pig. In Mexico City, a savory chile poblano is wrapped in puff-pastry. On Oaxaca’s coast, families of African heritage share their way of cooking the local seafood. The book includes a range of recipes, from the delectably familiar to the intriguingly unusual.
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