Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ Women, Art, and Society (World of Art) by Whitney Chadwick

Women, Art, and Society (World of Art) by Whitney Chadwick

Women, Art, and Society (World of Art)

Women, Art, and Society (World of Art) by Whitney Chadwick PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"A wave of new scholarship floods her text….Chadwick opens up whole new ways of thinking about familiar images."—Women's Art Journal

This acclaimed study challenges the assumption that great women artists are exceptions to the rule who transcended their sex to produce major works of art. While acknowledging the many women whose contributions to visual culture since the Middle Ages have often been neglected, Whitney Chadwick's survey reexamines the works themselves and the ways in which they have been perceived as marginal, often in direct reference to gender. In her discussion of feminism and its influence on such a reappraisal, the author also addresses the closely related issues of ethnicity, class, and sexuality.

This expanded edition incorporates recent developments in contemporary art. Chadwick addresses the turn toward autobiography in much recent women's art. She considers issues such as the personal versus the political and the private versus the public, and analyzes the differences between women's art today and the seminal feminist work of the 1970s and 1980s. 325 illustrations, 90 in color

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