Sabtu, 29 November 2014

PDF⋙ Snow on the Lake: Haibun & Haiku by Glenn G. Coats

Snow on the Lake: Haibun & Haiku by Glenn G. Coats

Snow on the Lake: Haibun & Haiku

Snow on the Lake: Haibun & Haiku by Glenn G. Coats PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In Snow on the Lake, Glenn G. Coats uses haibun and haiku to explore his childhood. Haibun consists of sparse poetic prose and implanted haiku that lead the reader to new levels of meaning. Haiku is the shortest form of poetry and it exemplifies simplicity, grace, and depth. Coats writes of the three New Jersey towns that he grew up in; the people and places that have shaped his life. He writes about experiencing the wonders of the sea with his cousin, of visiting churches with neighbors, of shooting a gun for the first time, and of feeling both bullied and betrayed. Characters are drawn with honesty and dignity. In the final chapter (Remains of Myself), Coats begins to view his life anew through the eyes and words of his grandsons. This is a memoir of another time, narratives about being a son, a brother, a friend, a collection that captures the many layers of childhood.

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