Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ Timeshaft by Stewart Bint

Timeshaft by Stewart Bint


Timeshaft by Stewart Bint PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

By the twenty-seventh century, mankind has finally mastered time travel—and is driving recklessly towards wiping itself out.

The guerilla environmentalist group WorldSave, with its chief operative Ashday’s Child, uses the Timeshaft to correct mistakes of the past in an effort to extend the life of the planet.

But the enigmatic Ashday’s Child has his own destiny to accomplish, and will do whatever it takes within a complicated web of paradoxes to do so. While his destiny—and very existence—is challenged from the beginning to the end of time, he must collect the key players through the ages to create the very Timeshaft itself.

“Do our actions as time travellers change what would otherwise have happened, or is everything already laid down in a predetermined plan?” he asks.

Stewart Bint’s Timeshaft is an expertly synchronized saga of time travel, the irresistible force of destiny, and the responsibility of mankind as rulers of the world.

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