Kamis, 06 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ Contemporary Drum Solos

Contemporary Drum Solos

Contemporary Drum Solos

Contemporary Drum Solos PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book gives the drum student a unique opportunity to understand the thinking of today's most inventive drummers. Through in-depth analysis, the student can "get inside the heads" of the great drum masters and appreciate the intricacies of their playing often too subtle to glean in casual listening. Highly-playable transcriptions are included and every solo is within the student's reach if it is played slowly. Includes transcriptions of: Buddy Rich, Louis Bellson, Billy Cobham, Ed Shaughnessy, Shelly Manne, John Guerin, Harvey Mason, Lenny White, Alphone Mouzon.

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