Rethinking the Triangle:Washington-Beijing-Taipei
Rethinking the Triangle:Washington-Beijing-Taipei PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Rethinking the Triangle: Washington-Beijing-Taipei is a book on foreign policy with a difference. Under the premise that the Cold War mentality is outdated, the book explores a new paradigm for the three parties' interrelationships based on inclusiveness and opportunity rather than each hedging against increasingly unlikely crises. It states that instead of seeing Taiwan as a security liability, the US should use it as a compatible point of contact to East Asia, and China should view the US–Taiwan relationship as an opportunity rather than as an intervention. Rather than focusing only on American policy options, the book treats the most important triangular interaction in Asia from the standpoint of each of its participants, by an expert from each country. The book also includes brief discussions by experts from Japan and Macau considering the general salience of the new paradigm for Asia. For readers' easy reference, it also includes a triangular chronology as well as a selection of major documents relating to the triangle.
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