Selasa, 17 November 2015

PDF⋙ The Boston Marathon: A Celebration of the World's Premier Race by Tom Derderian

The Boston Marathon: A Celebration of the World's Premier Race by Tom Derderian

The Boston Marathon: A Celebration of the World's Premier Race

The Boston Marathon: A Celebration of the World's Premier Race by Tom Derderian PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Offering an inside look at the most famous marathon in the world, this exploration traces the Boston Marathon's 26.2-mile route from the starting line on narrow Main Street in Hopkinton to the Boylston Street finish line in downtown Boston, bringing to life the history, personalities, pivotal moments, and individual character of each city the race traverses. The Boston Marathon includes well-researched briefs on topics including Metcalf’s Mill at Ashland, the unmarked starting point of the first race in 1897, the infamous 1967 battle over Kathrine Switzer’s attempt to compete five years before women were allowed, and other vital race-day elements. The book also includes a tribute to the victims of the tragic 2013 bombing near the finish line. This is a supremely entertaining glimpse at the history of the greatest running event in the world—from wacky entrants to hard-fisted managers, tortured disappointments, and glorious triumph.

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