Inflativity The Origin of Time: General Unifying Theory of Universe Dynamics by Kevin Jonathan Warne
Inflativity The Origin of Time: General Unifying Theory of Universe Dynamics by Kevin Jonathan Warne PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Inflativity is a groundbreaking new theory of universal 4D inflation that solves many of the fundamental problems currently existing in modern Physics. The reasoning follows from simple fundamental principles and develops one's thorough understanding and the revelatory implications. Requiring only a basic understanding of Physics, one is taken on an amazing journey that ultimately leads to a full explanation of the origin of time. Along the way we solve some of the eternal questions such as: Why is the speed of light always constant? What really is gravity? Does dark matter actually exist? How can particles behave like waves? Does God play dice? The conclusion amounts to a compelling new insight into the very nature of reality.From reader reviews:
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