Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Quantum Radar (Synthesis Lectures on Quantum Computing) by Marco Lanzagorta

Quantum Radar (Synthesis Lectures on Quantum Computing) by Marco Lanzagorta

Quantum Radar (Synthesis Lectures on Quantum Computing)

Quantum Radar (Synthesis Lectures on Quantum Computing) by Marco Lanzagorta PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book offers a concise review of quantum radar theory. Our approach is pedagogical, making emphasis on the physics behind the operation of a hypothetical quantum radar. We concentrate our discussion on the two major models proposed to date: interferometric quantum radar and quantum illumination. In addition, this book offers some new results, including an analytical study of quantum interferometry in the X-band radar region with a variety of atmospheric conditions, a derivation of a quantum radar equation, and a discussion of quantum radar jamming.

This book assumes the reader is familiar with the basic principles of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, special relativity, and classical electrodynamics. Our discussion of quantum electrodynamics and its application to quantum radar is brief, but all the relevant equations are presented in the text. In addition, the reader is not required to have any specialized knowledge on classical radar theory.

Table of Contents: Introduction / The Photon / Photon Scattering / Classical Radar Theory / Quantum Radar Theory / Quantum Radar Cross Section / Conclusions

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